
concrete coating

Coating Concrete: Performance Expectations, Coating Types, and Performance Testing of Coatings Used to Protect Concrete Bridges

Introduction Concrete is the most widely used building material worldwide because it has many unique properties that make it ideal for use in construction. Concrete is formable and is naturally resistant to UV, mold and insects. Concrete is noncombustible and is relatively inexpensive relative to other building materials. Why Coat Concrete? There are several reasons

Coating Concrete: Performance Expectations, Coating Types, and Performance Testing of Coatings Used to Protect Concrete Bridges Read More »

coating edges

Challenges Encountered with In-Process Cleaning and Painting of Buildings

There are many challenges associated with cleaning and painting commercial buildings. Questions often arise regarding surface preparation, application and final thickness or appearance. Three of the many questions our consultancy group has encountered during the cleaning and painting of buildings are addressed in this article. The questions should be familiar situations to those in the

Challenges Encountered with In-Process Cleaning and Painting of Buildings Read More »

moisture-sensitive coating layers

How Many Times Can I Repaint the Exterior of My Building?

In the September 2014 issue of Durability + Design, we described the laboratory test methods used to determine the water vapor permeance of coatings, as well as the importance of knowing the permeance of the interior and exterior coatings used on building walls. As seen in Durability & Design, January 2017 “Calculated Impact: Can WUFI

How Many Times Can I Repaint the Exterior of My Building? Read More »

Tools and Techniques for Measuring Coating Quality- Part 1, Cleaning and Painting

When you spend money on a product or service, you expect quality, regardless of the cost.  If you purchase the most inexpensive Chevrolet that is made, you still expect quality.  While the braking system in the Chevrolet may be less sophisticated than a Mercedes, the brakes better work and exhibit quality commensurate with its design. 

Tools and Techniques for Measuring Coating Quality- Part 1, Cleaning and Painting Read More »