AMPP PCCP Services

Are you looking for PCCP Support Services?

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) now AMPP initiated a Painting Contractor Certification Program (PCCP) in 1987. The program was initially developed to verify the capabilities of Contractors performing industrial surface preparation and coating application in the field. The program’s objective was to determine if an industrial/marine coatings Contractor had the personnel, organization, qualifications, procedures, knowledge, and capability to produce quality surface preparation and coating application of complex industrial and marine structures.

The program included a set of formal requirements, called Qualification Procedures that had to be met before a Contractor could become certified. In addition, the applying Contractor had to also pass an initial audit before certification was granted. Since its initiation in 1987, the SSPC has expanded the PCCP to include eight Qualification Procedures covering a variety of industries and applications.

The processes associated with becoming a certified Contractor can be overwhelming and time consuming. To this end, KTA has developed SSPC PCCP Support Services to assist contractors in meeting the requirements of several of the Qualification Procedures. Specifically KTA provides PCCP support services to Contractors interested in obtaining the following certifications:

KTA’s PCCP Support Services Includes:

QP1 – Field Application to Complex Industrial Structures
QP2 – Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings from Complex Structures
QP3 – Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems
SSPC QS 1 – Standard Procedure For Evaluating A Contractor’s Advanced Quality Management System
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Contact Our Team:

Lisa Bowermeister

Senior Administrative Assistant

(412) 746-4247