Commercial Building Inspection Services

Are you looking for 3rd Party Commercial Building Inspection?

Trained and certified professionals from KTA assist commercial building owners in effectively protecting and maintaining their vital assets. KTA delivers comprehensive building-envelope inspection and consulting services for a wide range of properties, including office buildings, small retail shops, strip centers, medium-box retail, big-box retail, apartments, commercial housing, and restaurants across the nation.

KTA’s Commercial Building Inspection Services Includes:

Big Box Store Inspections
Property Condition inspections
Structural Framing and Building Envelope
Coating Under Insulation (CUI)

Why Use KTA for Commercial Building Inspection?

KTA assists in preserving and enhancing owners’ brand image. Visual deficiencies such as peeling paint are not permanently solved by simply applying another coat of paint. In many cases a quick band-aid can compound the problem and mask even greater concerns with the building envelope. KTA assists commercial building owners in fixing it right the first time, reducing future expense and capital dollars. KTA building envelope services determine the cause of paint failures and provide recommendations for remediation; whether due to paint selection and installation, or other issues such as defective gutters and roofs, wet insulation, or air/vapor passage through the walls. KTA’s insights help achieve high quality, cost-effective protection and aesthetic appeal of your assets.

How Can We Help?
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.

Contact our Coatings Inspection Group:

Kimmer Cline, PE, PCS

Coatings Group Manager

(412) 746-4254

Satellite Offices:
New York City – 718-224-4567
New York – 716-692-4600
Florida – 727-526-7802
Ohio – 419-236-1292