QP1 – Field Application to Complex Industrial Structures


Evaluates contractors who perform surface preparation and industrial coating application on complex steel structures in the field. KTA provides the following services in support of Contractors seeking QP1 certification:

Quality Control Programs

In order to obtain QP1 certification, a written Quality Control Program is required. KTA prepares written Quality Control Programs for Contractor implementation that address the latest requirements of the QP1 certification. The program addresses Management Procedures, Technical Capabilities and Quality Control. Four appendices include Calibration and Use of Coating Inspection Instruments and Visual Guides; Quality Control Inspection Procedures; Place Holder for Resumes of Key Quality Control Personnel; and a Place Holder for Organizational Chart and Job Descriptions of Key Management Personnel. The program also includes 18 easy-to-complete, electronic forms. To learn more about the program or to order a copy of the Quality Control Program Click Here.

Corporate Safety & Health Programs:

To achieve QP1 certification, Contractors are required to have a Corporate Safety and Health Program. KTA prepares Corporate Safety and Health Programs that are developed under the direction of Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Safety Professionals. The program includes policies and guidance relative to safety and health hazards typically encountered on industrial paint removal projects. To learn more about the program or to order a copy of the Corporate Safety & Health Program Click Here.


In order to obtain QP1 certification, personnel with coating inspection responsibilities are required to attend an SSPC approved training course on quality control. SSPC has approved KTA’s Basic Coatings Inspection Course to fulfill the Quality Control training requirements of QP1. The 3.5 day course is offered at the KTA facilities in Pittsburgh, PA at various times throughout the year as “open registration courses,” or can be delivered at your facility under private contract. To Learn More about the course, or to register for a course, Click Here.

Document Review:

Prior to submission to the SSPC, KTA can perform a review of the completed QP-1 application and required documentation. This review will assist in verifying that the application package is complete, contains all required information, and identifies any potential deficiencies in the submittals based on QP-1 requirements. This type of review can be critical, as QP-1 requirements include multiple “critical items” that, if not addressed, can result in immediate rejection of the application.

Site Survey:

Prior to an SSPC QP-1 audit, KTA can perform a site survey (similar to that which will be done by an SSPC auditor) to identify potential weaknesses in current quality control efforts. The site survey involves two components: a site evaluation and a records review. The site evaluation involves a review of field work practices to assess compliance with the Corporate Quality Control Program as well as the requirements of the QP-1 standard. The records review typically involves an evaluation of: project specification(s); supporting documentation (i.e., daily inspection logs); technical library; quality control records; applicator and quality control inspector training; and QP-1 support documentation.

Site Safety Assessments:

To maintain QP1 certification, regular site safety assessments are required. A KTA Certified Industrial Hygienist/Certified Safety Professional can visit active job sites to evaluate work practice compliance with the Corporate Safety & Health Program and applied OSHA regulations.

How Can We Help?
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.

Contact Our Team:

Lisa Bowermeister

Senior Administrative Assistant

(412) 746-4247