QC Paint Inspection Services for Contractors

Are you a contractor looking for QC Paint Inspection Services?

KTA’s nationwide staff of highly-trained coatings inspectors provide Quality Control (QC) paint inspectors to supplement contractors’ in-house QC staff and on projects that mandate retaining the services of a qualified inspector employed by an independent inspection firm and/or a firm certified under SSPC-QP 5 (Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualification of Coating and Lining Inspection Companies).   This internationally recognized certification program evaluates an inspection firm’s competence in four key areas: Training, Quality Control, Technical Capabilities, and Management.  In September 2001, KTA became the first SSPC QP-5 certified firm and has continuously maintained its certification status ever since.

The QC paint inspection process begins when all owner-approved submittals are reviewed by KTA’s Project Manager.  From this, a project-specific inspection plan is developed by the KTA PM and paint inspector prior to the start of field work.  KTA’s QC coatings inspector performs paint inspection services under the direct supervision of the contractor’s on-site Project Manager during active surface preparation or coating application.  This service includes required QC documentation, daily and periodic visual observations, and in-process QC testing of critical coating application hold points (such as surface profile).

KTA’s QC Paint Inspection Services for Contractors Offers:

Highly Trained Coating Inspectors
In-Depth Understanding of Acceptance Criteria
Dependable, Honest Service
Excellent Communication and Documentation Skills
Team Player – Excellent Problem Solving Skills
Reliable Staff of Coating Inspectors

Why Use KTA for QC Paint Inspection Services?

KTA’s field staff is qualified in accordance with SSPC-QP 5 certification program (Level I, II, and III).  In addition, the KTA field staff may be trained or certified in accordance with NACE Coatings Inspector Program (Level 1, 2 or Certified – Level 3) and/or ANSI N45.2.6 (ASTM D4537) “Qualifications of Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants,” (ANSI 1, 2, or 3) as well as many industry-specific training regimens.

KTA’s QC Paint Inspection Services Will Help Contractors with the Following:

Meeting SSPC-QP 5 Requirements
Enhanced Quality & Reputation
Access to a Large, Specialized Talent Pool
Meet SSPC- QP 1/QP 3/QS 1 Requirements
How Can We Help?
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.

Contact our Coatings Inspection Group:

Kimmer Cline, PE, PCS

Coatings Group Manager

(412) 746-4254

Satellite Offices:
New York City – 718-224-4567
New York – 716-692-4600
Florida – 727-526-7802
Ohio – 419-236-1292