Meet Our Teams

The employee owners of KTA represent the heart and soul of the organization, and it is their collective vision, determination, attention to detail, and drive to succeed that is responsible for KTA’s 60+ years in business. We are proud to be represented in the field by an industry renown professional staff which includes Professional Engineers, Certified Coatings Inspectors, Certified Protective Coatings Specialists, Certified Weld Inspectors, and Certified Industrial Hygienists/Certified Safety Professionals.

Our Corporate Office staff is equally vital to the day-to-day operations of KTA and includes degreed individuals who directly affect the company’s success and level of customer satisfaction, are responsible for business development/customer relations and who represent the company at industry events.

We invite you to meet “Our Employees” shown below by “Group and/or “Department all of whom embody the meaning behind KTA’s long-time motto “Quality and Integrity Since 1949.”


[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-pencil” link=”″ title=”Coatings Engineering”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”flaticon-factory6″ link=”″ title=”Coatings Group”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-building” link=”″ title=”Commercial Services”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”flaticon-paint49″ link=”″ title=”Paint and Coating Consultants”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-users” link=”″ title=”Corporate Administration”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”flaticon-snowflake126″ link=”″ title=”Environmental Health & Safety Services”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”flaticon-tools6″ link=”″ title=”Instrument Sales Team”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-flask” link=”″ title=”Laboratory”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-group” link=”″ title=”Management”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-user” link=”″ title=”Professional Service Administration”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”flaticon-tower11″ link=”″ title=”Steel and Concrete Group”]
[innovation_icon_box layout_style=”style2″ icon=”fa fa-book” link=”″ title=”Training Department”]
[innovation_call_action text=”KTA has been the Leader in Asset Protection and 3rd PArty Inspection since 1949. ” button_label1=”Request A Quote” link1=”#” button_label2=”Learn more”]