Pete Ault and Eric Shoyer

maintenance painting

Standards Used for Partial Coating Removal During Maintenance Painting

Common methods of maintenance painting have either involved complete removal of existing paint (for example preparing to an  SSPC-SP 10 / NACE No. 2, “Near-White Blast Cleaning”1 surface) or a highly localized preparation of corroding areas using hand or power tools (SSPC-SP 2 or SSPC-SP 3). Sometimes projects may be designed to an intermediate degree where

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crevice corrosion

Preventing Crevice Corrosion in New and Existing Steel Structures

Steel structures are often fabricated by bolting (or riveting) structural components together. Bolted joints result in multiple crevices between the bolted members and fasteners. These crevices are typically more susceptible to corrosion than flat surfaces because they tend to retain water/contaminants, they are difficult to properly coat and crevice geometry tends to support electrochemical phenomena

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