Safety Services
Are you looking for Safety Services?
In addition to the direct costs associated with lost work time and workers’ compensation, workplace injuries routinely involve indirect cost associated with interruptions of work flow, staffing challenges and lower productivity. These hidden costs frequently exceed the value of the direct cost. When the desire to protect workers on the job site is combined with the desire to minimize indirect costs, manufacturers and contractors invest heavily in accident prevention activities.
Prevention of injuries frequently starts with a detailed review of past accidents and near misses, including root cause analysis to identify underlying causes. Findings from the accident analysis allow KTA’s safety professionals to target attention to the safety hazards known to be causing injuries. Workplace hazard recognition surveys are performed by KTA safety professionals to identify areas of potential concern, and to evaluate the implementation of any corrective actions taken to mitigate safety hazards. Detailed hazard recognition surveys may target individual hazards associated with materials handling, fall protection, confined space entry, vehicle operations, or emergency response. All preliminary observations and conclusions are discussed with client contacts to verify initial understandings. Upon completion of the accident analysis and hazard recognition survey, KTA’s safety professional prepares a report providing a detailed description of each identified leading loss source along with a preliminary assessment of existing controls. Recommendations address areas of potential improvement and/or exposures warranting further evaluation.
Input during project design and pre-planning allow insights to be offered before work is initiated so that safety hazards are eliminated, controlled, reduced or otherwise mitigated. Whether the service provided involves accident analysis, hazard identification, or the evaluation of specific identified hazards, KTA’s safety services are always aimed at assisting clients in the protection of the safety and health of employees, maintenance of safe working environments, and compliance with applicable regulatory statutes.