Quality Assurance/Quality Verification (QA/QV) For Owners

Are you looking for Independent 3rd Party Inspection of Steel?

Our third-party quality assurance observation of steel fabrication emphasizes welding inspection, along with the inspection of bolting and coating of structural steel. Our inspectors conduct visual inspections of materials to ensure they conform to approved specifications, plans, and codes, and verify Material Test Reports (MTR) for the materials used. Key points along the manufacturing process—steel mills, steel fabrication shops, and coating facilities—are diligently monitored.

KTA’s certified welding inspectors oversee welder and welding procedure qualification tests as necessary for the project scope. These services, provided on behalf of the Owner, instill a higher level of confidence that the contractor’s workmanship and quality control (QC) efforts meet industry standards and contract requirements.

KTA’s approach, distinct from duplicating contractor QC functions, serves as an audit to document the contractor’s management of key fabrication stages and verify that QC is effectively maintaining product quality. This is achieved through visual observations, process monitoring, and verification of QC findings.

Our audit may also encompass the review of the contractor’s Quality Control Plan, project-specific QC documents, qualifications and certifications of QC inspection personnel, welding procedure specifications (WPS), procedure qualification records (PQR), and fabrication and assembly procedures.

KTA’s Quality Assurance & Quality Verification Services Include:

Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Monitor welding
Witness welder performance qualification testing
Witness procedure qualification testing
Observe fabrication process
Witness Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Perform NDT
Verify QC findings
Review Quality Control Plans (QCP)
Review QC documentation of inspection and test results

Why Use KTA for Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Verification (QV)?

KTA provides inspection services for the fabrication of bridge girders, bearings, grid deck, sign structures, light and traffic poles, pedestrian bridges, and other highway components. KTA also provides these services for fabrication of structural steel for buildings, tanks and pipelines. KTA’s inspection services include coating inspections covering surface preparation, painting, galvanizing, and metalizing.

KTA employs experienced and well qualified Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) with NDT certifications in various disciplines and with coatings experience and NACE and SSPC certifications. KTA’s philosophy is to respond quickly to clients’ needs, match the right inspector to the job, and provide the requisite documentation.

KTA has the support personnel to provide technical consulting to the field personnel and to the client. KTA has professionals available to consult on welding, NDT and coatings.

KTA’s Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Verification (QV) For Owners Will Help Answer the Following:

Is the fabricator adhering to their QCP?
Did the fabricator use the specified size, type and grade of steel?
Are the welders certified for the processes they are welding?
Is the welder following the approved Welding Procedures (WPS)?
Have the WPS’s been prepared based on the procedure qualification record (PQR)?
Do the welds meet the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable code?
Is the frequency of NDT being performed in accordance to the applicable code?
Was the fracture critical material killed, produced to a fine grain practice and certified that no weld repairs were made in the producing mill?
Were proper methods of heating employed for the cambering of beams?
Was fabrication performed in accordance to the applicable codes, specifications, and standards?
How Can We Help?
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.

ASTM-A123 Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel webinar

Contact our Steel & Concrete Group:

Jamie Hilton KTA

Jamie Hilton

VP Steel, Concrete, and NDE

(412) 722-0594

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