Master Painter’s Institute
Are you looking for MPI Coating Testing?
Master Painter’s Institute (MPI), has consolidated a listing of approved paints that are categorized by the paint manufacturer, the end uses, and generic coating type. MPI maintains a website of their recommended and approved products. As is the case with most approved product lists, MPI’s products are tested according to their specific test criteria (specifications), numbered from 1 – 300. The specifications include a combination of ASTM standard test methods and MPI methods. Once the products are approved, MPI adds them to the list for public access. The process for MPI approval is rigorous. The paint manufacturer completes an application for each product to be tested and submits the application into a specific category. The coating product is then tested by category, which is selected based on the expected end use. However, the expected end use of the product may not be as originally intended once the testing has been completed. Some products that were submitted initially, for example, for inclusion in the exterior high gloss category, may not fit those exact test criteria as defined by that category, but meet the requirement of another category, i.e. exterior low gloss, and the testing will be transferred to that category if agreed to by the paint manufacturer. In some cases, a single product submitted by a manufacturer can be submitted, tested and accepted into multiple test categories. Once the product is listed on the MPI Approved Product List (APL), the product is tested annually, either to the full list of tests or to a shortened list.
KTA is the contract laboratory for the MPI APL testing. Coating manufacturers interested in qualification testing can submit their application online line through MPI.
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