U.S. Defense Standards “Mil Specs” and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)

The United States Department of Defense has over 20,000 standards, often referred to as “Mil Specs” that ensure that product purchased for use by the U.S. Military meet the required quality. Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) are a joint effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (HQ AFCEC) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). UFGS are for use in specifying construction process and materials, including coating materials, for the military services.

The KTA laboratory has conducted qualification testing in accordance to the following specifications:

MIL-A-22262 Abrasive Blasting Media Ship Hull Blast Cleaning
MIL-DTL-24441 General Specification for Paint, Epoxy-Polyamide
MIL-PRF-23236 Coating Systems for Ship Structures
MIL-PRF-23377 Primer Coatings: Epoxy, High-Solids
MIL-PRF-32584 Deck Covering Materials, Monolithic
MIL-PRF-85285 Polyurethane, Aircraft, and Support Equipment
UFGS 09 98 13.15 (February 2010) Epoxy/Fluoropolyurethane Interior Coating of Steel Petroleum Fuel Tanks, Superceded February 2015
UFGS 09 97 13.15 (February 2015) Low VOC Polysulfide Interior Coating of Welded Steel Petroleum Fuel Tanks
UFGS 09 97 13.16 Interior Coatings of Welded Steel Water Tanks
UFGS 09 97 13.17 Three Coat Epoxy Interior Coating of Welded Steel Petroleum Fuel Tanks
UFGS 09 98 13.26 Coating of Steel Waterfront Structures, Zero VOC, (SZC) Splash Zone Coating
UFGS 09 97 13.27 Exterior Coating of Steel Structure
How Can We Help?
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.

Contact our Laboratory Group:

Robert B. Leggat, PhD

KTA Laboratory Services Manager

(412) 746-4271