Safety and Health Program Development
Safety and Health Program Development
Regulatory agencies like the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) as well as industry associations such as SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) require that contractors maintain up-to-date programs that detail their approach to environmental, health and safety compliance on a job site. KTA provides assistance to contractors by offering the following programs:
“Corporate Safety and Health Program for Construction Painting Projects” – Developed under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Certified Safety Professional, the KTA Corporate Worker Safety and Health Program for Industrial Painting Projects is designed to provide guidance on the safety and health hazards typically encountered on industrial maintenance painting projects. This program is specifically designed for use on projects where the OSHA Construction Industry standards (29 CFR 1926) are applicable. The program contains policies and guidance relative to each of the following general areas: General Safety and Health Provisions; Personal Protective Equipment (including respiratory protection); Fire Protection/Prevention; Use of Flammable/Combustible Materials; Scaffolding and Ladders; Confined Space; Cranes and Suspended Work Platforms; Occupational Health and Environmental Controls; Exposure to Lead and other toxic metals; Electrical; and Painting/Paint Removal Equipment. Various safety and health forms and checklists are incorporated into the Appendices of the program to ease implementation at individual project sites. This plan meets the safety and health program requirements of the SSPC QP-1 Painting Contractor Certification Program.
“Corporate Safety and Health Program for Facilities Maintenance Painting Projects” – KTA’s experience with the petrochemical and gas industries indicates that painting contractors need a corporate worker safety and health program that not only complies with 29 CFR 1926, but also selected regulations in 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA General Industry Standards). The program developed under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Certified Safety Professional provides site-specific modification forms for individual projects where OSHA standards require that written programs include task and job specific information. The program addresses: Permit Required Confined Space; Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging Equipment; Disciplinary Action Plan; Electrical Safety; Fire Protection; Medical Services and First Aid; Hazard Communication; Lead; Cadmium; Lock Out/Tag Out; Occupational Noise Exposure; Personal Protective Equipment; Respiratory Equipment; Sandblasting; Scaffolds; Suspended Personnel Platforms on Load Lines of Cranes; Ground Fault Protection; Process Safety Management; Blood borne Pathogens.
“SSPC QP-3 Worker Safety and Health Program” – This Corporate Worker Safety and Health Program conforms to the criteria of SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings Qualification Procedure No. 3 (QP 3) Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualifications of Shop Painting Applicators. The program is designed to be used in conjunction with a current copy of 29 CFR 1910 (not included). The model program was developed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist/Certified Safety Professional and addresses policies and guidance relative to the following areas: Corporate Responsibilities; Work Area Inspections; Disciplinary Action Plan; Training and Education; Hazard Reporting and Correcting; Accidents, Illnesses, and Near Misses; Emergency Procedure; Personal Protective Equipment (including Respiratory Protection); Hazard Communication; Cranes; Hearing Conservation; Confined Spaces; Health Hazards; Blood borne Pathogens (if personnel are required to provide first aid services); Fire Protection/Prevention; Electrical Safety; Lock Out/ Tag Out; Spray Paint Equipment Operations; and Abrasive Blasting Operations.
“Corporate Deleading Compliance Program” – Prepared under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist, the KTA Corporate Deleading Compliance Program addresses worker protection, environmental compliance, and hazardous waste management on projects where lead containing coatings are being removed or disturbed. The program contains three separate plans that establish policies in each of these areas. The Worker Lead Protection Program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the OSHA Lead in Construction Standard, and includes Respiratory Protection and Medical Surveillance Programs. The Environmental Compliance Program addresses the management of releases to air, soil, and water, and includes guidelines for conducting visible emission assessments and ambient air monitoring. The Waste Management Program addresses the sampling, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. This program is designed to meet the program requirements of the SSPC QP-2 Painting Contractor Certification Program.
“Corporate Worker Lead Protection Program” – Prepared to address the requirements of the OSHA Construction Industry Lead Standard, the KTA Corporate Worker Lead Protection Program developed under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Certified Safety Professional, includes a Medical Surveillance Program and a Respiratory Protection Program for lead exposure projects. The program contains the necessary forms and checklists to facilitate ease of implementation at individual project sites. The program includes: a description of each activity in which lead is emitted; a description of the specific means used to control employee exposure to lead; a report of the technology considered in meeting the PEL; air monitoring data which documents the source of lead emissions; detailing schedule for implementing the program; a work practice program; an administrative control (job rotation) schedule; and a description of arrangements made among contractors on multi-contractor sites.
KTA's Environmental Health & Safety Services Include:
Why Use KTA for Environmental Health & Safety Services?
KTA’s EH&S Department staff provide occupational health and safety services to various markets including manufacturing facilities, insurance firms, and construction companies in an effort to help minimize occupational injuries and illnesses in the workplace. This includes extensive expertise in managing the removal of lead paint and toxic metals from industrial and commercial structures and issues related to fall protection and confined space entry.
Contact Our Environmental Health & Safety Services Group:
Dan O’Malley – Coatings Group Operations Manager
(412) 722-0539,