Contract Administration Support Services

Are you looking for Contract Administration Support Services?

KTA’s pre-award/pre-construction phase contract administration support services include assisting Owners with evaluating potential contractors’ technical capability, certifications, experience, worker health and safety programs, environmental compliance programs, waste management programs, corporate quality assurance/quality control programs, and containment design/ventilation submittals. KTA is also available to help establish a candidate contractor list, review pre-qualification submittals and comment on candidates’ conformance with the criteria outlined in the pre-qualification package. KTA can assist during pre-bid meetings by preparing an agenda, documenting attendance, presenting the project performance goals, answering questions about the technical specification(s), preparing minutes, and preparing a written response to questions.

KTA also assists during the bid review and contractor selection process by reviewing the submittals required in the specification (e.g., contractor QC plan), checking for general conformance with information provided and performance criteria outlined in the technical specification.

KTA's Contract Administration Support Services Include:

  • SSPC Protective Coating Specialists
  • Environmental Health & Safety Professionals
  • Professional Engineers
  • Chemists
  • Project Management Specialists
  • Seasoned Professionals to Provide Construction Management Assistance

Why Use KTA for Contract Administration Support Services?

KTA can also support the administration of the construction contract and continue to perform construction-time submittal reviews. This may include assisting in the review/approval of progress payments; organizing and attending progress meetings; reviewing worker, ambient air and/or environmental monitoring results; and reviewing contractor in-process QC reports. On-site observation of the contractor’s conformance with the specification represents the critical step in overall contract administration support.

KTA’s Project Manager and on-site QA technician verify that work is being performed by the contractor in a manner indicating that when completed the work will conform to the requirements of the specification(s). The final step for the KTA team is to participate in any warranty or anniversary inspections required in the contract.

KTA’s Contract Administration Support Services Will Help Your Project By:

  • Facilitating Project Meetings in a Professional Manner
  • Reviewing Project Submittals by Industry Experts Knowledgeable of the Specification
  • Assisting with Review of Performance Criteria Outlined in the Specification

Contact Our Coatings Inspection Group:

Kimmer Cline, PE, PCS – Coatings Group Manager
(412) 746-4254,

Satellite Offices

Connecticut – 860-283-4967

New York City – 718-224-4567

New York – 716-692-4600

Florida – 727-526-7802

Ohio – 419-236-1292

How Can KTA Help?

Choose the service type that best fits your need.
Please let us know the details of your project or concern.