Nuclear Power Services
Typical nuclear power services: Service level 1 coatings surveys, paint laboratory testing, 3rd party QA paint inspection, specialized nuclear coatings inspection training.
Coatings applications for nuclear plants must meet stringent requirements set forth by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Maintaining protective coating systems in nuclear power plants utilizes significant resources due to constant surveillance and maintenance required to maintain adequate protection. Maintenance concerns may include coatings condition in primary containment, unqualified coatings, thermal conductivity, heat transfer and other factors. Duration of scheduled outages must be minimized while work performed is maximized. Scheduling and availability of project personnel during outages is of great importance, yet unique training and security requirements for on-site workers must be met.
KTA’s staff of certified protective coatings specialists, professional engineers, certified coatings inspectors, and certified environmental health & safety professionals can help the Nuclear Power Industry address its various challenges. KTA’s services include providing Service Level I surveys of the coating conditions, testing and analysis of repair coatings, independent QA paint inspection, and specialized coatings training.
Many KTA inspectors are also certified as Level 1, 2, or 3 in accordance with ASTM D4537 “Inspection Personnel for Coating Work in Nuclear Facilities, Establishing Procedures to Qualify and Certify” (formerly ANSI N45.2.6 “Qualification of Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants”).
KTA QA program has been successfully audited against 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and 10 CFR 21 by NIAC and NUPIC members and other companies providing work to the nuclear industry.