Most of the SSPC surface preparation standards focus on the preparation of steel, either by abrasive blast cleaning (dry and wet), power tool cleaning, or water jetting. Recognizing that galvanizing, non-ferrous metals, and various types of stainless steel also need to be prepared for painting, SSPC published a standard for brush-off blast cleaning of these metals in 2010: SSPC-SP 16, Brush-Off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous Metals. In 2017, SSPC initiated the development of a standard for the more thorough blast cleaning of the same metals. This newer standard, published in 2019, SSPC-SP 17 is titled “Thorough Abrasive Blast Cleaning of Non-Ferrous Metals.”
One of the most critical roles of a certified coatings inspector or protective coating specialist is to stay abreast of changes to existing standards and learn about new standards. How familiar are you with these two SSPC standards that were developed specifically to address the preparation of non-ferrous metal surfaces for coating application or to clean/improve the aesthetics?
Test your knowledge of preparation of non-ferrous metal surfaces by challenging each of the questions below. Questions 1-5 pertain the SSPC-SP 16 and questions 6-10 pertain to SSPC-SP 17. Helpful references are included in the text box within each question, as well as links to related KTA products/services. The answers to the questions to help you in the shop or field are provided at the end of the question bank.