Pipeline Inspection Instruments Coatings

Free eBook Series – Inspection Instruments for the Pipeline Coatings Industry

The “Inspection Instruments for the Pipeline Coatings Industry” KTA eBook Series is available for download below! The series was written by KTA COO William D. Corbett. Regarding the series, Corbett said, “The pipeline industry is growing at an exponential pace, and corrosion control is paramount. Yet companies entrenched in this industry may not have in-house coatings expertise. The eBook series was written and disseminated in a readily accessible, easy-to-read/navigate format. Its launch was designed specifically to help companies fully comprehend the importance of quality (both what and how) during each phase of the protective coating process.”

coating inspection instruments pipeline coatings industryThe first of three volumes, this eBook provides information on the proper use of test instruments and kits for verifying the quality of surface preparation of new pipe in the shop, field splices (girth weld areas), existing pipe in the field and structural steel in general, prior to the application of protective coatings.

[button url=”https://kta.com/inspection-instruments-for-pipeline-ebook/” size=”large” style=”blue”] Download Volume 1[/button]


pipeline ebook verifying quality of coating applicationThe second of three volumes, this eBook provides information on the proper use of test instruments for verifying the quality of the application of protective coatings.  It is applicable to new pipe in the shop, field splices (girth weld areas), existing pipe in the field, and painted steel in general. 

[button url=”https://kta.com/volume-2-pipeline-coatings-ebook/” size=”large” style=”blue”] Download Volume 2 [/button]


coating installation application pipelineThe last of three volumes, this eBook provides information on the proper use of test instruments for verifying the quality of the application of protective coatings after the installation process is complete.  It is applicable to new pipe in the shop, field splices (girth weld areas), existing pipe in the field, and painted steel in general.

[button url=”https://kta.com/pipeline-volume-3-ebook/” size=”large” style=”blue”] Download Volume 3 [/button]