Ambient Air Monitoring

Are you looking for Ambient Air Monitoring to evaluate your containment system?

Ambient air monitoring is commonly performed on industrial lead paint removal projects as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the containment system in controlling emissions.  Ambient air monitoring is typically conducted for Total Suspended Particulate in the form of lead (TSP-lead) and/or particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM-10), which is a respirable fraction.

KTA's Ambient Air Monitoring Service Provides:

  • Monitoring Plans
  • On-Site Environmental Field Technicians
  • Filter Replacement
  • Air Monitor Calibration
  • Laboratory Analysis In Accordance With 40 CFR 50
offshore coatings

Why Use KTA On Your Next Project?

On individual projects, KTA is able to provide a wide range of services related to ambient air monitoring.  The first step in the process usually involves an assessment of potential sensitive receptors and the development of a project-specific ambient air monitoring plan/strategy.  Based on the proximity of sensitive receptors to the work area, KTA will recommend where ambient air monitoring should be performed, and at what frequencies.  Once lead paint removal begins, KTA is able to provide on-site environmental field technicians to conduct the required monitoring.  Technicians calibrate the air monitors, replace the filters, complete the necessary documentation, and forward the filters on to KTA’s laboratory (accredited by the New York State Department of Health) for analysis in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 50.  Once results of the analyses are received from the laboratory, calculations are performed and a final report is prepared which includes the work activities for the day, monitor locations, wind speed/direction, and sampling duration and flow rate for each sample.  The final report is also modified to include a comparison of the actual results to the acceptance criteria established in the project specification.

For projects where KTA is not performing on-site monitoring, we can provide laboratory analysis and reporting, as well as construction phase submittal review of ambient air monitoring results for compliance with project specification requirements.

Our Ambient Air Monitoring Service Answers The Questions:

  • What type of monitoring should be performed?
  • Are our air monitors calibrated correctly?
  • Have we meet the project specification?
  • How do we implement an ambient air monitoring plan or strategy?